For from him
and through him
and to him
are all things.
To him be glory forever.
Romans 11:36 (ESV)
"I had never given consistently in my entire life, but I could feel God asking me to grow, to move, to be obedient. I had to realize they weren't my resources—everything I had was from God, and one way to show my faith was to give a fraction of those resources back to him. The act of giving matured my faith, and in his mercy, God used it to show himself to me in ways I couldn't have anticipated."
"It would be an act of unbelief for me not to receive the gifts God has given me in the way he has chosen to. I'm prone to believe the lies that I can't be used by God because I'm not perfect or because my gifts are different from someone else's. But I have to replace those lies with the truth: God gives gifts for his purposes. It takes faith to embrace and use my gifts without pride or shame."
"In the parable of the talents, they are given a certain amount to invest so they can offer the return back to the Lord. We have a house, and we can show hospitality to young people, and we want to use that for God. We've also realized this has nothing to do with us. The opportunity is a blessing from God, and we won't always be perfect, but we know God can work through us for his glory."
This plan of study focuses on preparing you for the upcoming teaching by providing relevant background passages, biblical context, and additional resources. You will receive an email with the weekly readings on Tuesdays. We hope this tool will help you grow in your understanding of Scripture.
Paul reminds the believers at Colossae that everything we experience comes through Jesus, and he holds all things together. As we look at this truth through the lens of discipleship, it should propel us to devote our lives more and more to Jesus.